DC Natives


We create pollinator habitats and cultivate beauty for DC residents.

DC Natives is a local nonprofit working to cultivate beauty for DC residents, improve neighborhood experiences for DC communities, and support the environment by creating pollinator habitats.

Sign up for a DC Natives garden

DC residents are invited to sign-up and host a DC Natives sponsored pollinator garden.

Plant your own Garden

Create a haven for butterflies, bees, and other pollinators.


Whether you like to dig, design, or organize—you are welcome.


Our work is made possible with your support

Your generosity helps us continue work increasing pollinator habitats and creating the local beauty we believe every DC resident deserves.

Community Gardens
Ft. Greble Community Garden
Community Gardens
Ft. Douglass Community Garden
Community Gardens
Rock Creek Park Community Garden
Green Job Training
Douglas Street, NE
Washington Youth Garden
National Arboretum
Growing with Children
3030 G Street Southeast
Neighborhood Garden
Ingleside Terrace NW
Neighborhood Garden
2nd Street NW
Neighborhood Garden
Taylor Street NW
Neighborhood Garden
Hamilton Street NW